Maybe Design in Vienna and Istanbul is a mulidisciplinary art practice for product design architecture graphic design and design engineering. Bogac Simsir, Bora Akcay, Ener Eren & Erdem Akan, partners of Maybe Design, say that "Given and infinite time and budget, everyone can be theoretically creative, real creativity is to acheive the goals in limited time and within the limited budgets." Couldn't agree more.

In the Please Touch Museum in Philadelphia, I was able to see two of Leo Sewell's large scale sculptures in person. Made from bits of every this and that, the animals are meticulously assembled with each piece arranged so that it fits exactly into place. They are like a 3D version of the I-Spy books for children and one could stare at them for hours calling out each new object they spot.

Re-Collect from Brighton UK hand sews bags with an industrial chic aesthetic. Their offerings include messengers, handbags, laptop sleeves, etc. The line has a very modern look to recycled inner tubes, bike treads and seat belts.

Abteil Design's 'Ball Bag' was presented at the Council for Sustainability in Berlin. Some repurposed design works so well that the new aesthetic created by reuse seems as if it was the original intention.

Argentinian company Neumatica Net makes the most fabulous looking bags out of recycled rubber inner tubes. Not only are they creating a lovely looking product, the tubes take more than 500 years to decompose. Neumatica bags are made using tubes from tires of any kind of vehicle, 100,000 tons of this material is disposed every year, in Argentina alone.

Sander Lucas Ontwerpen, a graduate of Design Academy Eindhoven has a nice body of work focusing on recycling and upcycling objects turning them into more functional homewares.

Bibliopath Nicholas Jones is a Melborne sculptor employing books as vessels designed to hold his folded sculptural creations. By stacking, folding, cutting, tearing, sewing and remodeling each book he turns the discarded cultural artifacts into noteworthy art.The beautiful repetition of the folded pages turns them into elegant compact sculptures.

Jones, intrigued by their history explains, "these books were conceived, born, loved, stored, discarded, found anew, studied, cut, folded and reborn".

Aurelie Tu is an Industrial Designer originally from Canada. Having earned her practical ID work experience with Hauser in L.A. and Nike in Portland, she has branched out and created her own line of modular interlocking felt homewares. The Portland designer now works together with women at the YWCA in order to create these handmade felt pieces. Her line includes a pendant light and table runners made from the same interlocking materials.

Studio Shed is an ingenious little product manufactured here in Colorado to enhance backyard enjoyment. These tiny little modern sheds come in an array of finish options, can be put up in only one day (the company has nationwide installers) and they can add just the finish that your yard needs. Born out of a need for a less expensive shed than those previously on the market before them, the Studio Shed-ers created their modern offering.

Jenny Hurth designes & hand sews these unique notebooks and beach bags in the San Francisco Bay Area from discarded vinyl signs and banners. The vinyl was originally printed for local trade shows, conventions, municipal or private advertising--she prevents them from going to the landfill. The practical recycled offerings are available online.